MEdia + press


Your Mental Breakdown Podcast: Systems of Safety

We explore the “systems of safety” that Sarah developed as a child growing up in a cult to protect herself because no one else did. We can thank those defense mechanisms for doing such a good job of protecting us when a threat was real. We needed them to survive and now we need to say goodbye to them in order to thrive. Doug helps Sarah look deeper into those systems to see two sides of her - one that can be easy going and one that can be “mama bear,” rigid, and take up a righteous quest for justice. The goal is not to keep the two sides separate, but rather to integrate them as pieces of the whole person she is and wants to become. Sarah is bringing awareness, understanding, and compassion to how she sees herself. Bonnie Rae joins Doug in the breakdown and they discuss OCPD (Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder) and how Sarah is processing her history of being wronged and abused by people in power (cult leader, boss, ex-husband).

Your Mental Breakdown Podcast: Round Table #1

For a special bonus episode this week, Doug and Meredith are joined by their friends and colleagues; John Sovec and Bonnie Rae, both Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists. They have an open and honest conversation about topics such as disclosing sexual orientation with clients, handling the nerves of the first visit, how to stay supported and connected, and the LGBTQ elements of John and Bonnie’s work. The group also talks about if they have ever Googled a client before a first session, how to know when a client/patient relationship isn’t a fit, and how they set tighter boundaries to go even deeper in their sessions.

Love Your Work by Joanne Barratt

A book of photos and interviews with 100 women who do 100 different types of work, to serve as an inspirational guide for young women.